
University of the Pacific

正规博彩十大网站是一所全国排名的综合性大学,也是加州第一所特许高等学府. 成立于1851年, 太平洋有近6个,300 students and ten schools and colleges across three campuses in northern California.

大多数学生和NCAA一级体育项目都以斯托克顿校区为基础, often cited as one of the nation's most beautiful college campuses. The 萨克拉门托校园 in California's state capital is home to the McGeorge School of 法律, the new School of Health Sciences and an array of graduate programs, 而著名的杜戈尼牙科学院则位于旧金山市中心的校区. 

Pacific takes pride in providing the highly personalized and caring educational, 小型学院的社会和居住环境,结合综合性大学的选择和机会.

About the School of Business  

The Eberhardt School of Business, founded as the School of Business and Public Administration in 1977, is an AACSB accredited school at the University of the Pacific. 商学院培养学生的领导能力和创新精神,同时提供最先进的商业应用培训. As a small 业务 school with a global orientation, 埃伯哈特学院提供高度互动的课程,鼓励学生和教师之间建立密切的工作关系.

正规博彩十大网站埃伯哈特商学院是全美规模较小的大学中提供本科商学学位最好的商学院之一, according to a national survey. Poets and Quants, which covers and analyzes 业务 education at U.S. universities, ranks the Eberhardt School No. 1 in the West – and No. 10 nationally – among 业务 schools based at universities with 7,000 or fewer students. Among all universities participating in the survey, Pacific’s Eberhardt School ranked No. 70年全国.
The school’s dynamic undergraduate programs in Accounting, 业务分析, 金融, Management and Human Resources, Marketing Management and Sport Management & Analytics are flexible and highly personalized, 允许学生定制他们的教育经历,为他们的职业生涯奠定基础. The master's programs in Accounting, Business Administration, 业务分析, 金融学院提供超越传统商学院课程的智力挑战课程,强调雇主最看重的技能,如沟通, professional ethics and applied 研究.

埃伯哈特商学院的杰出项目之一是学生投资基金. 2007年由斯托克顿银行和埃伯哈特家族慷慨捐赠的100万美元成立, 学生投资基金为本科生和研究生提供了在美国获得实际经验的独特机会.S. 股票市场. 该基金目前是西海岸第三大基金,也是唯一一只需要每年分配的基金, which supports student programs on campus. In fact, only 200 out of the 9,000 业务 schools worldwide operate this type of fund.

2023年秋天, ESB enrolled 657 students guided by 25 faculty (22 tenure-track, 3 non-tenure-track), 12名员工.

For more information about the School of Business, please visit 业务.太平洋.edu.


Dean, Eberhardt School of Business

Under the leadership of President Christopher Callahan, 7月1日委任, 2020, 正规博彩十大网站的宏伟目标是在十年内成为全国最好的以学生为中心的综合性大学. His focus includes the personalized learning that is a hallmark of Pacific, expanded real-life learning opportunities coupled with service to communities, accelerating the pace of innovation and becoming a model for diversity, 公平与包容. 

Now Pacific seeks its next leader, a forward-thinking and entrepreneurial Dean for the Eberhardt School of Business (ESB). Pacific’s School of Business is poised for a bright future. 主席卡拉汉, 教务长Gr等hen edwards - gilbert和ESB社区邀请渴望想象的候选人进行咨询和推荐, 制定和实施在美国最多样化的地区塑造商业角色的计划, ninety minutes from Silicon Valley.


Responsible for strategic direction, oversight and management of the Eberhardt School of Business (“School”). Charged with upholding the University’s mission to provide a superior, 以学生为中心的学习体验,整合文科和专业教育,为个人在职业生涯和社区中取得持久成就和负责任的领导做好准备. 负责确保所有商学院学术课程的最高质量和符合认证机构的标准. 负责加强学院的财务稳定性和可持续性,以配合大学的战略招生目标和学生的成功. Leverages internal and external opportunities to enhance the reputation of the School. Serves as member of Council of Deans.


  • 开发有远见的, 积极的目标,为学校的战略回应大学的招生和发展计划. These goals should include growing student enrollment, improving student success, 并支持创新的跨学科和国际化的教育项目,利用我们的综合大学丰富多样的资源  
  • Enhances and promotes the School as a core strength of the University. Supports the University’s distinctive general education program, 鼓励教学创新,增加学生参与体验式学习的机会,包括奖学金/研究, internships and international study. 
  • 通过促进和发展对教师奖学金(包括教学奖学金)和创业创造力的更多支持,增强学院的智力活力, including collaborative projects with students. 
  • 继续建立一个包容性的社区,并努力增加学校教师的多样性, 工作人员, and students promoting a culture of diversity, inclusion and 股本 among students, faculty and 工作人员 and the academic programs. 
  • 通过发展策略来确保学校的持续实力,以增加入学人数,并使学校在当前的全面筹款活动中取得成功. 
  • Builds and strengthens alumni relationships and encourages regional and national outreach. 
  • Participates in cooperative relations with other schools and programs on campus. 
  • Performs other related duties as assigned or requested. 
  • University of the Pacific recognizes that diversity, 股本, and inclusion is foundational to the success of our valued students and employees. We prioritizes policy and decision-making that demonstrates awareness of, and responsiveness to, the ways socio-cultural forces related to race, 性别, 能力, 性, socio-economic status, 等. impede or propel students, faculty and 工作人员.

Minimum Qualifications

  • 博士或同等学历的认可机构在他或她的领域和学术成就的突出记录与任命为正教授相称.
  • Five (5) years of administrative and/or leadership experience.

Preferred Qualifications

  • 在学院或大学有成功的行政和/或领导经验. 
  • 为学生提供高质量教育体验的历史,并在学生成功方面有明确的成就记录. 
  • Achievement in or an 能力 to develop private investment. 
  • Experience as a seasoned, decisive leader and diplomat with strong organizational and consensus-building skills, 完整性, and the 能力 to inspire and lead faculty with diverse interests. 
  • A record of success in recruiting and retaining talented and diverse faculty; a champion of faculty eager to excel in teaching, 研究, and creative activities. 
  • 数据驱动型领导风格,采用适当的事实来为决策提供信息. 
  • Well-developed fiscal management experience, 在建立和执行预算方面,以及在平衡机构内部和机构之间的资源和责任方面的记录. 
  • Experience and sensitivity in working with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. 
  • 具有在大学环境中促进社会公正、公平和包容的经验. 
  • 能够在工作中融入文化实践和知识.

