The rigorous 27-month Graduate Endodontology Residency Program provides in-depth clinical training built on a solid foundation of biomedical science. The curriculum is specifically designed to prepare residents for the American Board of Endodontics certification process.

Working in a collegial atmosphere of mutual respect, our residents receive training from expert faculty members from across the United States and abroad. The well-balanced curriculum is a combination of didactic courses, strong clinical experience, and research. Residents are expected to complete a minimum of 200 cases spanning all areas of contemporary endodontic therapy including surgical endodontics. Three residents are accepted each year. Upon successful completion of the program, our residents graduate with a Master's of Science Degree in Dentistry and a Certificate in Endodontics.


How to Apply

The Department of Endodontics participates in the American Dental Education Association's Postdoctoral Application Support Service (PASS), a centralized application service for more than 400 participating postdoctoral dental education programs. Applicants can complete an online application or download a copy of the application form from the PASS website.

  • Completed application materials must be received by PASS prior to their deadline. Check their website for the application deadline.
  • The completed PASS application and all supporting documents must be received by the admissions committee for the Advanced Education Program in Endodontology before August 1, 2024.
  • A non-refundable fee of $75 must be submitted along with your application. Pay application fee here ›

The following is required for possible admission consideration:

  • Possession of a Doctoral Degree in Dentistry (DMD, DDS, BDS) from an accredited dental school;
  • TOEFL Internet-based test (iBT) total score of 95 or higher is required for applicants who are non-native English speakers and who received their dental degree from a non-English speaking institution.

Materials that will be considered in the resident selection process include:

  • Excellence in predental and dental school academic achievement;
  • Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT) results;
  • Dental class standing;
  • Practice, teaching and research experience;
  • Possession of advanced academic degree(s); and
  • Letters of recommendation.


The school reserves the right to modify or change admission standards or requirements at any time without prior notice and effective immediately. The information provided on this site cannot be regarded as creating a binding contract between the student and the school.


Gloria Sue, Admissions Advisor
415.929.6677 /

Our endodontic residents experience a comprehensive 27-month program designed to provide in-depth clinical training in Endodontics supported by a solid foundation of coursework in the biologic principles which uphold the specialty.

In addition to a curriculum that nurtures the clinician-scientist, the program offers clinical experiences with an extensive patient demographic supported by the School of Dentistry and a community dental clinic that is part of an expansive health care network in the San Francisco East Bay Area.

Each resident will also engage in an investigative project and must complete an acceptable thesis to qualify for the Master of Science degree in Dentistry. The thesis is typically submitted for publication in scientific journals.

Classes begin each July. Residents are scheduled for classroom and clinical instruction five full days (and some evenings) per week and full participation is required.

Academic Progress

Academic progress is reviewed quarterly and records are maintained by the Department of Endodontics. Attendance and grading policies for this program, and access to the Student Appeals Committee, are generally the same for residents as for predoctoral students.

The candidate for graduation and certification must demonstrate to the full satisfaction of the faculty the following:

  • Competence in the full range of contemporary endodontic practice;
  • Completion of all technical and clinical requirements prescribed in the graduate endodontic curriculum;
  • Achievement of passing grades in all required courses with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in classroom and clinical courses;
  • Design, completion and presentation of an original research project in endodontology and a thesis acceptable at the graduate level in the opinion of the Graduate Endodontics Research Committee;
  • Return of all university property;
  • Discharge of all financial obligations to the community and the school; and
  • Non-dismissal from the program.

If in the judgment of the Graduate Endodontics Academic Performance Committee the candidate has fully satisfied all requirements, the committee is authorized to recommend conferral of the certificate in endodontology and the degree of Master of Science in Dentistry. The committee may also recommend delay in an individual's graduation date. Committee recommendations are submitted to the dean, who is authorized to review and make final decisions.


The school reserves the right to modify or change graduation standards or requirements at any time without prior notice and effective immediately. The information provided on this site cannot be regarded as creating a binding contract between the student and the school.


Contact Us

SF campus
Dugoni Academic Programs

155 Fifth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103