The 生物科学系' program of studies is flexible enough to enable you to pursue careers in molecular 和 cellular biology, 植物学, 微生物学, 生理学或动物学的研究生. Some students pursue jobs in 生物技术, education, marketing 和 sales, among other fields. 项目 in the department also prepare students for professional fields such as dentistry, 医学, 药店, 医疗技术, 护理或物理治疗.


As a student of biological sciences 在太平洋, you will work with faculty members who have expertise in a variety of different biological systems. You will explore your field of study through undergraduate experiential learning 和 研究的机会. You will also enjoy small upper-division classes that allow direct interaction with your professors, as well as the use of modern facilities 和 cutting-edge biological instrumentation. 

Unlike larger institutions that rely on graduate students to gather scientific data, Pacific offers unparalleled 研究的机会 for undergraduate students.

The 生物科学系 also has a Master of Sciences Program that enables students to work closely with faculty members in re搜索 和 teaching.


Our programs prepare you for health-based professional fields that include dentistry, 药店, 医学, 生物技术, 护理或物理治疗.

Faculty advisers work closely with 正规博彩十大网站's Thomas J. Long School of 药店和Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry admissions committees to ease student transition from pre-professional to professional programs. 


A 2000 graduate, 《托尔 majored in biological sciences. He is currently working as an assistant professor at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, 正规博彩十大网站, 旧金山校区. His favorite part of the job comes with the territory, that is, working with students.

To students who are interested in studying biology, Der says that the academic environment 在太平洋 fosters great opportunities to grow academically. "It's a great place to get real undergraduate re搜索 experience," he says. "The faculty have diverse re搜索 expertise so you will find a project to make your own."

本科 研究的机会

Pacific's undergraduate program in Biology provides students with the intellectual foundation 和 practical skills to conduct original re搜索 in the area of biological sciences.

  • 更多的 than 70% of Biology majors engage in undergraduate re搜索 while 在太平洋.
  • 在过去的十年里, over 35 undergraduate students have co-authored significant re搜索 papers.
  • Biology undergraduates have the opportunity to become fully integrated members of cutting-edge re搜索 laboratories as well as experience field re搜索 biology.



The 生物科学系 has 17 active faculty members 和 five emeriti. All members perform laboratory/和 or field re搜索, where undergraduates take an active role. Since the 太平洋学院 is considered a primarily undergraduate re搜索 institution, the advancement of biological re搜索 projects largely depends upon experimental work performed by undergraduate re搜索 students. Unlike larger re搜索 institutions which primarily use Ph.D. c和idates or post-doctoral students to gather scientific data, 在太平洋, 本科生就扮演了这个角色.



Liora埃德尔斯坦切丽Musgrove 和 贾斯汀Bala-Hampton

These students performed re搜索 experiments in Dr. Wrischnik's lab using the experimental technique known as RNA干扰 (RNAi) to efficiently “knock out” genes in fruit flies. The students participated in the construction of the RNAi vectors, which were designed to destroy the function of DNA repair genes in fruit flies. 除了 to learning the basics of molecular biology, these three students learned how to microinject DNA into fly embryos to get their DNA inserted into the fly genome. The latter re搜索 was made possible by the department's sophisticated microinjection equipment.


Melissa在Dr。. Wrischnik's laboratory building several types of DNA vectors that facilitate visualization of the expression of DNA repair genes in fruit flies during development. 她用了部门的新, high-end inverted fluorescence microscope to visualize where these genes are expressed in live 和 fixed organisms. She also performed real-time PCR analysis to help confirm when these genes are expressed during fruit fly development.

Khanh cloned several of the homologous recombinational repair proteins from the parasite 阴道毛滴虫, a single-celled organism with a very ancient lineage. By using the department's ABI DNA Sequencer to analyze her clones, she revealed new information about the evolution of this repair pathway, as well as generated data to help underst和 the evolution of sex in single-celled organisms.


Coby在Dr. Vierra's laboratory to elucidate the molecular properties of black widow spider silk. She routinely dissects the abdominal silk-producing gl和s from the spiders to isolate RNA molecules that encode silk proteins. 应用ing quantitative real-time PCR analysis, Coby has determined the expression profiles for several different silk genes. 除了, she has learned how to screen cDNA libraries to hunt for new spider silk genes found in egg case silk, which represent one of the most ancient silk threads in spiders. These studies have relied on the use of mass spectrometry 和 molecular biology.

罗素绮亨利常 和 香农麦克纳瑞

这些学生也在Dr. Vierra's laboratory on the isolation of new silk genes from black widow spiders, as well as silk overexpression in bacteria 和 yeast. 过去的两个夏天, they have worked full-time on the manipulation of spider silk genes using recombinant DNA methodology. Their studies have led to a better underst和ing regarding the molecular constituents of black widow silk, which has helped advance our knowledge with respect to the incredible tensile strength 和 elasticity found in silk threads. Long-term objectives include being able to produce synthetically for commercial applications, which include the use of synthetic silk for ropes 和 cords, 医用缝合线, bullet proof vests 和 lightweight airplane wing materials.

生物科学 设施

Biology students 和 faculty make themselves at home in our two-story, 56,000-square-foot building. The lower floor has state-of-the-art teaching facilities, 和 the upper floor is equipped with 15 modern re搜索 laboratories for faculty 和 students, 以及专业设备室.



Our department is fully equipped with modern molecular 和 cellular biological re搜索 equipment used by faculty, 本科生和研究生. H和s-on training 和 experience with this instrumentation helps prepare students for graduate school 和 careers in science.

A graduate student uses the confocal microscope to monitor the sub-cellular localization of cysteine proteases that are tagged with different fluorescent markers.

This specialized microscope is especially useful for obtaining a series of optical sections of a sample, which then can be reassembled to form a three-dimensional representation of a specific cellular structure. 在她的癌症研究中. Lisa Wrischnik has used this microscope to study the cellular localization 和 trafficking patterns of several cysteine proteases (enzymes) that are expressed in the human parasite 阴道毛滴虫.


A fluorescent microscope is used to evaluate specimens by analyzing fluorescent light emitted from them. Fluorescent dyes or markers may be attached to the sample to illuminate a certain area of interest. 本设备 is an important tool for cell biologists to study the localization 和 movement of proteins within the cell.

An undergraduate student studies the morphological features of proteins that form the cytoskeleton in mammalian cells.

本设备, 由观察员组成的, automated hybridization chamber 和 scanner, "prints" genes onto the surface of a glass slide—up to 50,000 genes can be deposited on a single slide. Dr. Craig Vierra 和 his students have used this robot to print the first spider DNA chips in the world. They are using these DNA chips to monitor changes in gene expression profiles in the silk-producing gl和s after forcibly removing silk fibers from spiders.


Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) is a biological honor society for students, 尤其是大学生, dedicated to improving the underst和ing 和 appreciation of biology 和 extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific re搜索.

会员通常代表未来的医生, 老师, 药剂师, 生物医学研究人员, dentists (和 friends) dedicated to being a part of the scientific community 和 making the most of their college experience while they prepare for professional careers.


The Pac诺伊斯正规博彩十大网站排名 Program provides scholarships 和 other support for STEM majors 在太平洋 who become 老师 in high-needs school districts, 比如斯托克顿.

You could be eligible for the Robert Noyce Teachers 奖学金 worth up to $13,750元/年, 大三学生和大四学生的票价为20美元,000 for the final MA/teaching credential year.


If you wish to qualify to teach biology at the secondary level, you should complete the Single Subject Credential in the biological sciences. Ask you adviser or the department chair for information on specific course requirements.  For other credential requirements, you should consult faculty in Benerd College.



生物科学学士学位 with Departmental Honors
生物科学学士学位 for Teaching Credential C和idates

Our Masters degree program provides students with a broad background in the biological sciences that serves as preparation for entry into Ph.D. 学位课程, 生物技术产业就业, 和 teaching positions at the high school 和 community college levels.



