Are you looking to discover your 潜在的?

Create positive change

If you want to protect society, 探索地球, understand the environment, work in your community or around the world, you belong in the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences. 我们系对地球有一个广阔的视野,并提供对地球有科学认识的课程, 它的历史, 自然系统, resources and recent global change. 我们提供严谨的地质学和环境科学学位课程,为您成功的职业生涯做好准备. 我们的学生都沉浸在我们的实践学习方法驱动的经验.


我们将户外体验融入每个班级,并提供丰富的国内和国际旅行机会. While many of these trips explore fascinating locations throughout California, we also offer trips that explore a much broader range of locations around our world. Our majors travel to a range of regional and international destinations, 包括苏格兰, the Chilean Patagonia, 夏威夷, the Colorado plateau, and a variety of locations throughout the west coast of North America. 我们的许多专业与教师密切合作,在获奖的研究项目,可以带学生到异国情调的地质地点, including western Ireland, 日本, the ancient Appalachian Mountains of upstate New York, the Marshall Islands and the high Sierra Nevada.

Environmental science is so important. Whether it is conservation, environmental justice or recycling... It’s all valid and it all needs to be fought for.

Explore Geological and Environmental Sciences

拿一个 积极的作用 在你的教育中

We emphasize active, hands-on, field-oriented approaches to the study of the Earth. In addition to our dynamic courses, 我们系提供了无与伦比的学生研究机会,我们的学生经常发表他们的研究成果. We also offer a wide variety of outreach and service opportunities and experiences.


地质 is a very hands-on profession, and that is the experience Jesse values the most in his Pacific education. Interesting field trips, 小班授课以及与同学和教授的频繁合作,使他给太平洋地质与环境科学系打了高分.

地质 major Jesse Thornton
students working in Robb Garden

我们的学生在地质和环境科学领域组织和领导两个俱乐部:Sigma Gamma Epsilon(地球科学荣誉协会)和太平洋地心协会.  While their activities are different, 他们有一个共同的目标:改变我们对周围世界的看法,并在这一过程中过得很愉快.

职业生涯 in Geological and Environmental Sciences

地质和环境科学家在促进清洁环境的同时调查地球的奥秘, reducing the impact of natural disasters and providing resources for modern life. 我们的许多毕业生继续在一流的研究生院接受教育,或在广泛的领域追求成功和利润丰厚的职业, including government, geotechnical or environmental consulting, 法律, medicine and public policy.

地质和环境科学家四处旅行,在城市和农村环境中研究地震, 山体滑坡 and floods. 一些地质和环境科学家寻找能源和矿产资源, while others teach in graduate schools, community colleges and universities. 作为研究科学家,他们致力于加深我们对我们周围这个充满活力的星球的理解.

Success After Pacific

莎拉·郭 was looking for a way to focus her concern for social justice. 她毕业于环境科学专业,目前在加州公共卫生部工作.

Choose Your Concentration

We offer a range of degree options that support high-demand career paths. To make our students even more competitive, our classes also integrate career-oriented professional development, 包括领导力培训以及荒野急救和防御性驾驶的高级认证. 


这种浓度准备你的研究生学习或在地质学专业就业. 获得地质学学士学位的学生可以在许多地球科学领域获得有竞争力的工作, including geotechnical consulting, where they assess geologic hazards and environmental impacts.

Geoscientists have many options when it comes to careers. They discover and develop natural resources such as oil, 天然气, 矿物质, 金属, 和地下水. They advise decision makers on the future of energy and energy policy. 地球科学家是解决随着人口增长而出现的迫在眉睫的水危机的核心. They work with other scientists to help preserve and clean up our environment. 他们通过寻找保护人们免受洪水等自然灾害的方法来拯救生命, 山体滑坡, 火山, earthquakes and tsunamis.

其他职业道路包括从事勘探和生产化石燃料和其他重要矿产资源的地质学家. 环境问题日益受到重视,对自然资源的需求日益增长, in addition to recent retirement patterns in the geosciences, are creating a considerable demand for well-trained geoscientists. According to the American Geological Institute, 在过去的20年里,硕士和博士级别的地球科学家实际上经历了零失业.

该课程旨在为您提供批判性评估环境问题和问题所需的实用技能和知识,并提供应用解决方案. 该专业是跨学科的,侧重于与环境相关的潜在自然过程,以及理解和运用科学方法. 环境科学领域对受过广泛训练的科学家的需求是至关重要的,对这一领域重要性的理解提供了许多就业机会.

环境科学专业的学生学习塑造自然世界的物理和生物过程是如何相互作用的. 他们还研究我们如何影响自然,并提出解决环境问题的办法. Environmental science requires a creative and passionate approach, one that integrates essential knowledge and skills from physics, 化学, 和生物学.

环境科学学士学位可以为许多不同的机构和领域带来大量的就业机会. 典型的就业机会包括为进行环境修复的咨询公司工作, 为政府机构和私营公司进行环境影响研究, and additional vital biological services. 其他类型的就业可以在监管机构找到,以确保遵守环境法规和法律, with environmental 法律 firms, or public health agencies.

加速环境法优势项目允许对法律职业感兴趣的学生在总共六年的时间内完成地质与环境科学文学学士学位和法学博士学位, with guaranteed admission into the McGeorge JD program, assuming students meet performance standards.

Teaching credential track

If you wish to qualify to teach Geosciences at the secondary level, 你应该完成地质和环境科学的单科证书. 向你的导师或系主任咨询有关具体课程要求的信息.  For other credential requirements, you should consult faculty in Benerd College.

Pacific 诺伊斯正规博彩十大网站排名 Program

PacNoyce正规博彩十大网站排名计划为正规博彩十大网站的STEM专业学生提供奖学金和其他支持,这些学生将成为高需求学区的教师, 比如斯托克顿.

You could be eligible for the Robert Noyce Teachers 奖学金 worth up to $13,750元/年, for juniors and seniors or $20,000 for the final MA/teaching credential year.


Bachelor of Arts in Geological and Environmental Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Geological and Environmental Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Geological and Environmental Sciences and 法律
Minor in Environmental Science


Student studying rocks in classroom
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences

Geosciences Building 111